Week 11 and 12 – Data Analysis

Tableau Sleep Data Analysis Algorithm (Continued)
Tableau allows users to narrow specific factors of sleep and study patterns by isolation features. The sorting function by ascending or descending order creates a seamless visual to read.

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Tableau screenshot sourced by the owner of this blog

Narrative Source
In junction with existing studies on recommended sleeping hours, a narrative soon appears with suggestions of how many students are deprived of sleep, getting enough sleep, and oversleeping.

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Average Sleep Needs by Age Table sourced from helpguide.org

Average Sleep Needs by Age Graph from: http://www.helpguide.org/
Article: How much sleep do you need?

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Adobe Illustrator screenshot sourced by the owner of this blog

Further reworking existing templates imported from Tabluea, the adobe Illustrator WSU student hours of sleep and study graph was generated

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Western Sydney University student hours of sleep and study graph designed by the owner of this blog

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Western Sydney University student hours of sleep and study graph designed by the owner of this blog

Week 10 – Tableau

Tableau is a leading data visual generator software which allows you to import data from excel and produce automated visual designs. It can be imported into any of the Adobe Suite editor programs to produce motion graphics or new static designs. The student data collected over the past month had been used to generate experimental designs.

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Tableau Tree dashboard screenshot sourced by the owner of this blog


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Tableau dashboard screenshot sourced by the owner of this blog

Week 9 – Data Wrangling

Wrangling Data
From a study on 35 WSU Design students who had logged 30 minute increments of their circadian cycles over 7 days, a formula was generated to determine their sleep behaviour against their studying progress on a hourly, daily, and weekly basis.

Sleep Conversion Table and Formula created by the owner of this blog

The statistics generated would then be imported into Tableau to generate a visual data narrative to find out if there are correlations between sleep deprivation against a lack in study productivity. The raw data acts as the skeleton of empirical findings and is a necessary step prior to graphic composition.

screen-shot-2016-10-16-at-11-40-03-pmStudy Conversion Table and Formula created by the owner of this blog